Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Voice

When I was posed with the task of recording myself read aloud a passage, I thought I would not be very surprised. I was very wrong. When I listened to myself, I was constantly thinking about how deep my voice sounded. I know my voice is not profoundly deep, but it was still a surprise for me. During every day hustle and bustle I never could pick up exactly how I sound, but the microphone on my laptop changed that.
The actual reading was fairly complex and hid many complicated words within. When I came to a word that appeared foreign to me, I would stumble through it the first time. I would stop myself and try it until my grammar was correct. A couple times I got lost in the text, although I would resume as soon as I located the right position. About half way through the piece of literature, I started having thoughts of boredom and my mind drifted towards the night ahead.

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