Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kantz, Kantz, Kantz

Kantz’s article brought up a new way of thinking about writing and its content. Before reading the article, I always trusted published sources and understood what they said to be a fact as a fact. After Kantz rattled my mind, I now question things I read and write. The first time she proposed the idea of facts being claims that are agreed to be true due to sufficient proof, I could not fully wrap my mind around it. She threw me for a loop there. I had always been told that facts were facts, but Kantz was telling me they weren't. I do agree that readers and writers interact with texts. Texts hold information that readers are supposed to dig into and pick out. From her article, I saw a glimpse of what college writing would teach me; Use facts to form your own opinions on subjects and accurately apply them to that subject. I liked Kantz’s article because it helped me focus on what to strive for as a writer.

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